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  • In research funded by UC MEXUS and Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion, my first project investigate an evangelical Christian businessmen’s brotherhood in Mexico, their everyday experimentations with categories of religion and secularism and narrative practices of self-transformation


  • Another project, funded by a three-year grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation, investigates Freemasons' everyday negotiations of liberal separation, their attempts to both defend freedom of conscience and cultivate common ethical bonds

  • In collaboration with Edwin Ackerman (Syracuse), and with funding from Notre Dame’s Global Religion Research Initiative, another project investigates rise of evangelical political parties in Latin America and the way that these parites have mobilized around combatting "gender ideology"






Not Religion: Liberal Separation and Self-transformation in a Christian Brotherhood and a Masonic Lodge (under contract with Temple University Press)


Peer-Reviewed Articles


“Religious Dissociation and Liberal Separation: Inside a Christian Brotherhood and a Masonic Lodge.”

European Journal of Sociology 2024 65(2): 216-247.


“Unsettling the Self: the Paradoxes of Narrative Identity in Christian Testimonial Practice."

Sociology of Religion 2021 82(2): 208-239.


“Between Church and State: A Christian Brotherhood’s Faithful Claims to Secularity in Mexico City."

Qualitative Sociology 2019 42:663–686.


“Enchanting Self-Discipline: Methodical Reflexivity and the Search for the Supernatural in Charismatic Christian Testimonial Practice.”

Sociological Theory 2017 35(4): 288-311.

"Evangelicals Against Ideología de Genéro in Colombia, Costa Rica and Brazil: Reaction or Adaptation?" (with Edwin Ackerman)

Under review at Journal of Latin American Studies



Chapters, Essays and Reviews


“Evangelicalism as a Social Movement.”

In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. 2024. Snow, Porta, Klandermans, and McAdam (eds)


“Conscience maçonnique : secret, symbole et les paradoxes de la séparation libérale.”

Masonica 2022: 48.


“Negociaciones cotidianas del concepto de la religión y sus consecuencias practicas para la política.”

In Sacralización de la política y politización de lo sagrado. 2022. Blancarte, Capdevielle, and Molina (eds). Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


“Review of Lifebood of the Parish, by Alyssa Maldonado-Estrada.”

Sociology of Religion 2021: 82 (4).


“Laicidad y religiosidad: conceptos opuestos entremezclados.”

Colección Cuadernos Jorge Carpizo, Cuaderno 34. 2019. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


“Review of On Purpose: How We Create the Meaning of Life, Paul Froese.”

Sociology of Religion 2018: 79 (3).




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